Marusen Foundation thrives on the mandate of Rebuilding Lives
We carry out interventions and facilitate better living outcomes through our activities in Education, Empowerment, Children development, Strong Communities, and advocacy for better policies and programs for women, youths, and children – with extra focus on the Boy Child).
The scope of our work is reflected through the programs and activities of The Foundation and primarily supports and promotes the Sustainable Development Goals on Poverty (SDG 1), Hunger (SDG 2), Good health and wellbeing (SDG 3), Quality Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Decent Jobs and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Peace and Justice (SDG 16), and Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17).
In Education, we work with Out of School Children, Education Learning Disadvantaged Children and promote quality learning outcomes for all children in public schools. We facilitate youth and women empowerment through skills acquisition, entrepreneurship, employability, and mentoring activities. We also work to prevent child abuse and trafficking, promote health and nutrition as a way to encourage right growth and development for children.
A higher percentage of our interventions are in vulnerable communities where we work with other partners, organizations, and state actors to build strong communities for children, women and youths to thrive. See our program interventions to know more about our work